This acclaimed Emmy Award-winning anthology series features documentaries and a limited number of fiction films united by the creative freedom, artistic achievement and unflinching visions of their independent producers. INDEPENDENT LENS features unforgettable stories about a unique individual, community or moment in history.
Today, the electric car is back with a vengeance. Director Chris Paine takes his film crew behind the closed doors of Nissan, General Motors, the Silicon Valley start-up Tesla Motors, and an independent car converter named Greg “Gadget” Abbott to chronicle the story of the global resurgence of electric cars.
Without using a single drop of foreign oil, this new generation of car is America’s future: fast, furious and cleaner than ever.
“Revenge Of The Electric Car” follows the race among major car-makers to be the first, the best, and to win the hearts and minds of the public around the world.
We watch as these cars are developed from a concept into a working product, and see the car makers themselves struggle with the economy, the press, each other, and the car-buying public. It’s not just the next generation of green cars that’s on the line. It’s the future of the automobile itself.
Past episodes of INDEPENDENT LENS are available for online viewing. INDEPENDENT LENS is on Facebook, and you can follow @IndependentLens on Twitter.
The Incredible Awesomeness of Elon Musk
"CEO and founder of Tesla Motors
Pimping Yesterday's Jalopies Into Futuristic Rides
"Greg "Gadget" Abbott and wife Charlotte Jackson are fighting the good fight in electric car conversion ... one vehicle at a time. They're amping up the jalopies of yesteryear into the dream rides of tomorrow. But can they compete with industry giants and angel investor-backed startups?"
Meet Bob Lutz...Mr. Horsepower
"Former Vice-Chairman of General Motors
Enter the Emperor of the Electric Car
"Every revolution needs its Napolean. At Nissan World Headquarters the world's most formidible car mogul