"The Life Of Muhammad," a new three-part series presented by acclaimed journalist and author Rageh Omaar, will premiere on Tuesday, August 20, 2013, from 8:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. on KPBS-TV. The film charts the extraordinary story of a man who, in little more than 20 years, changed the world forever.
Taking a journey that is both historical and relevant today, Omaar documents Muhammad’s life from his humble beginnings in Mecca, to his struggles with accepting his prophetic role, his flight to Medina, the founding of the first Islamic constitution and his subsequent military and political successes and failures — and to his death and his legacy.
Filmed on location in Saudi Arabia, Jerusalem, Turkey, Syria, the U.S., the United Kingdom and Jordan, the series also draws on the expertise of some of the world’s leading academics and commentators on Islam, including Tariq Ramadan (academic and fellow of St. Anthony’s College, Oxford); Ziauddin Sardar (London-based scholar and writer specializing in Muslim thought); Tom Holland (British novelist and historian); HRH Princess Badiya El Hassan of the Jordanian Royal Family; Dr. Amira K Bennison (senior lecturer in Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies, Cambridge University); Sajjad Rizvi (associate professor of Islamic Intellectual History, Exeter University), Bishop Nazir-Ali (author of "Islam: A Christian Perspective") and John L Esposito (professor of Religion and International Affairs and Islamic Studies, Georgetown University).
Along with the historical narrative, the film addresses Islam’s role in the world today and explores interpretations of Islamic attitudes toward money, charity, women, social equality, religious tolerance, war and conflict, providing a fascinating, timely and unique insight into the Islamic faith.
Episode One: "The Seeker" repeats on Wednesday, Dec. 18, 2013 at 9:30 p.m. - Omaar examines the world into which Muhammad was born, his marriage to his first wife, Khadijah, as well as his first revelations and the profound impact they had on his life and on the lives of those closest to him.
Episode Two: "The Holy Wars" repeats Wednesday, Dec. 18, 2013 at 11 p.m. - Omaar shines a light on key events in Muhammad’s life, including the Night Journey to Jerusalem, his departure from Mecca and the eight-year war with the Meccan tribes.
Episode Three: "The Holy Peace" aired Tuesday, August 20, 2013 at 10 p.m. (not currently scheduled to repeat) - Omaar investigates key events during the later part of Muhammad’s life, including the introduction of the moral code known as Shari‘a and the concept of jihad.
Follow @ragehomaar on Twitter.
The Life of Muhammad - Preview
"Examine the world into which Muhammad was born
Holy Wars - Preview
"In part 2
Holy Peace - Preview
"Examine the evolution of important concepts