Specialists from the country's leading auction houses and independent dealers from across the nation travel throughout the United States offering free appraisals of antiques and collectibles.
ANTIQUES ROADSHOW cameras watch as owners recount tales of family heirlooms, yard sale bargains and long-neglected items salvaged from attics and basements, while experts reveal the fascinating truths about these finds. Mark L. Walberg hosts.
While ANTIQUES ROADSHOW is in Richmond, Virginia, Walberg and appraiser Gary Sullivan visit Colonial Williamsburg to discuss tall case clocks.

Highlights include a collection of Langston Hughes-signed first editions, bought at an estate sale for a dollar per book, now valued at $8,000 to $10,000; a 1935 "Bride of Frankenstein" pressbook, featuring many of the graphics used for the film’s top posters; and an 1890 Frank Henry Shapleigh oil painting that was purchased for the look of the frame is appraised for $50,000 to $70,000.
"Appraisal: 1935 "Bride of Frankenstein" Pressbook"
"In Richmond Hour 3
Appraisal: 1890 Frank Henry Shapleigh Oil
"In Richmond Hour 3
Behind the Scenes in Richmond
ROADSHOW wrapped its Season 18 Tour in the historic city of Richmond, Virginia, on Aug. 17, 2013. See the antiques and collectibles from Virginia and beyond in these exclusive photos!
Appraisal: Ostertag Minaudière & Cartier Compacts
"Watch Victoria Bratberg's appraisal of this Ostertag minaudière & Cartier compacts
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