Part adventure, part history lesson, and part treasure hunt, ANTIQUES ROADSHOW is a 13-time Emmy® Award-nominee and PBS' most-watched ongoing series.
Mark L. Walberg hosts.
"Austin, Texas" (Hour 2) - Walberg joins appraiser Wes Cowan at the Texas State Library and Archives to learn about fraudulent and authentic Texas Declaration of Independence documents.
Highlights include a 1607 Galileo letter that was purchased by the owner’s grandmother for $170 and is now appraised at $60,000 to $100,000; a jewelry collection of a diamond and sapphire ring, necklace and tassel, valued at $55,000 to $85,000; and a Chinese cloisonné panel that was said to be gifted to the owner’s grandfather by the Emperor of China and holds an estimated auction value of $70,000 to $100,000.

Behind the Scenes in Austin
We uncovered gorgeous gems and rustic relics in Austin! Cheers to the fantastic Texans we met at the event on Saturday, June 28, 2014. View photos
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