In December 1944, 22-year-old intelligence officer Hiroo Onoda of the Japanese Imperial Army was deployed to Lubang Island in the Philippines, where he was given orders to disrupt and sabotage enemy efforts.
Though the Japanese surrendered on August 15, 1945, Onoda and three others vowed to continue this mission.
Thirty years later, in March 1974, after years of living as a war straggler, former Lieutenant Onoda surrendered to his ex-commander, who traveled from Japan to the Philippines to personally issue orders relieving him from duty.
Praised and pardoned by then-President Ferdinand Marcos, the Japanese straggler received a hero's welcome on returning to his homeland.
But during their decades of evading capture, Onoda and his comrades had done great harm to the islanders.
Newly released secret documents show that Japan and the Philippines saw Onoda's return as a sensitive political and diplomatic matter.
“Lt. Onoda’s Return: The Untold Story Of A Japanese War Straggler” reveals the behind-the-scenes diplomatic negotiations between the two countries and how Onoda's homecoming was carefully orchestrated.
Presented by Japan International Broadcasting (NHK WORLD TV). Distributed by American Public Television.