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School Trustees Put Brakes On Spending

School Trustees Put Breaks On Spending
San Diego Unified school trustees are trying to do their part to obey a district-wide spending freeze. Yesterday they voted against paying $13,000 worth in membership fees to education lobbying groups. They'll also bring their own food to work.

San Diego Unified school trustees are trying to do their part to obey a district-wide spending freeze. Yesterday they voted against paying $13,000 worth in membership fees to education lobbying groups. They'll also bring their own food to work.

The school board voted 3-to-2 to end its membership with the National School Boards Association and the Council of Urban Boards of Education.

Both groups lobby federal lawmakers on behalf of public education.


But a district-wide spending freeze means memberships to these groups are now questionable expenses.

Trustee Sheila Jackson voted in favor of paying the dues. She says San Diego Unified needs political muscle on Capitol Hill.

"We're the second largest school district in the state. We're the eighth largest school district in the nation. We have yet to leverage that power, now is not the time to pull back," Jackson said.

But the other school board members pointed out the district already has a membership with the Council of Great City Schools.

In another effort to trim costs, school trustees will now bring their own lunches and snacks to work. The school board members are normally served catered food.