A homeowner in southeastern San Diego will save on energy costs thanks to a free solar panel installation Friday. KPBS Environment Reporter Ed Joyce says it's part of a statewide program that combines job training and the power of renewable energy.
San Diego's Coalition of Neighborhood Councils has partnered with Oakland-based GRID Alternatives to install a solar electric system on a home in southeastern San Diego.
GRID Alternatives operates the low-income solar program for the state.
Monique Davis with GRID says the group recently opened a San Diego office.
"We are partnering with Habitat Humanity to identify other homes that are in the San Diego area," Davis says. "We are working throughout San Diego County"
Davis says the goal is to install at least three solar systems a month in the county.
She says the program also uses volunteers and job-trainees for the solar installations.
Davis says the hands-on experience with real-world solar installation projects gives them valuable skills and work experience.
The low-income solar program is funded by California ratepayers.
Ed Joyce, KPBS News.