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What Are The Secrets of Centenarians?

Author Dan Buettner has traveled the globe visiting "blue zones," where people tend to live longer and lead healthier lives.
National Geographic Books
Author Dan Buettner has traveled the globe visiting "blue zones," where people tend to live longer and lead healthier lives.

Part 1 of the TED Radio Hour episode The Fountain Of Youth

About Dan Buettner's TED Talk

To find the path to long life and health, Dan Buettner studies the world's "Blue Zones," communities whose elders live longer than anyone else on the planet.


About Dan Buettner

National Geographic writer and explorer Dan Buettner studies the world's longest-lived peoples, distilling their secrets into a single plan for health and long life. He is the founder of Quest Network, and has set three world records for endurance cycling.

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