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USS Makin Island Sailor Making Dream Come True (Video)

The USS Makin Island left its home port of San Diego November 14th on its maiden deployment. The USS Makin Island is something special, according to the Navy:

Makin Island is the first U.S. Navy ship to be equipped with gas turbines and an electric drive system, replacing the older technology of steam boilers. With the ship's electric drive running, which is similar in functionality to that of a hybrid car, it is possible to transit longer distances using less fuel.

The Navy reports all of Makin Island's auxiliaries are powered by the electrical system. The system even gives the ship the ability to produce 200,000 gallons of fresh water every day.

The USS Makin Island recently left Pearl Harbor on the second phase of its deployment. Navy cameras were there to capture the moment, and the men and women on board who helped make it happen. For one Sailor, the voyage is a dream come true. Take a look:

USS Makin Island Sailor Making Dream Come True (Video)