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'McMafia' Profiles World's Globalized Criminals

Author and journalist Misha Glenny talked with criminals and the law enforcement officials trying to catch them in the global underworld.
Author and journalist Misha Glenny talked with criminals and the law enforcement officials trying to catch them in the global underworld.

Journalist Misha Glenny points out that while globalization may have given the world new opportunities for trade and investments, it also gave rise to global black markets and made it easier for criminal networks to do business.

Glenny discusses his new book, McMafia: A Journey Through the Global Criminal Underworld.

"Academics and researchers have channeled considerable energy into understanding the process of "licit" globalization, a process that is largely regulated and quantifiable," Glenny writes. But much less attention has been paid to the "shadow economy" that has "shot up as a percentage of global GDP."


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