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San Diego Celebrates "Ronald Reagan Day"

George Shultz (left) and Ronald Reagan walking
Hoover Institution
George Shultz (left) and Ronald Reagan walking

Sunday is "Ronald Reagan Day" in San Diego County, under a proclamation passed today by the Board of Supervisors to mark the 100th anniversary of the 40th president's birth.

Similar proclamations are scheduled for Wednesday's Oceanside City Council meeting and next week's San Diego City Council meeting.

Proclamations are routinely made by elective bodies to honor people and organizations for their work in the community.


Reagan, who died in 2004, "embodied the American dream," said Bill Horn, chairman of the Board of Supervisors.

Supervisor Pam Slater-Price said, "Throughout his presidency, he worked across party lines to restore accountability and common sense to government, which resulted in the expansion of the economy and job opportunities to all Americans."

Reagan, who was the 33rd governor of California before becoming the nation's chief executive, ended both of his presidential campaigns in San Diego and was a frequent visitor to the area.

Vince Vasquez, a National University economist, announced Monday that he is seeking petition signatures to get the state of California to change the name of the San Diego-Coronado Bay Bridge to the "Ronald Reagan-Coronado Bay Bridge."