State Senator Kehoe Presses For Public Hearing On SDG&E's Wildfire Recovery Costs
Kehoe's call for a public hearing follows a similar request by San Diego County Diane Jacob.
SDG&E wants the California Public Utilities Commission to allow it to bill customers for future uninsured wildfire expenses.
Included in those filings is a request that ratepayers also pay for uninsured costs from the ’07 fires. Some of those fires were started by SDG&E’s own lines.
Senator Kehoe has told regulators that before the PUC decides whether customers should pay the costs of decisions made by SDG&E that led to settlement agreements for losses during the 07 fires, the public should be heard.
SDG&E has said a public hearing would be inefficient and confusing until it files a separate request for reimbursement for the 07 fires.