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San Diego Congressional Reps Weigh In On ISIS Threat

San Diego's congressional delegation (from left to right): Scott Peters (D-Calif.), Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), Susan Davis (D-Calif.), Duncan Hunter (R-Calif.), Juan Vargas (D-Calif.)
San Diego's congressional delegation (from left to right): Scott Peters (D-Calif.), Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), Susan Davis (D-Calif.), Duncan Hunter (R-Calif.), Juan Vargas (D-Calif.)

Two San Diego County congressional representatives are presenting legislation to the House of Representatives this week calling for a plan to defeat Islamic State militants and to give asylum to fleeing Iraqi Christians and minorities.

Republican Rep. Darrell Issa on Monday introduced a joint resolution to require President Obama to consult Congress on his strategic plan to defeat Islamic State militants, and to create a new short-term authorization for the use of force to defeat ISIS.

“This resolution, consistent with the War Powers Resolution of 1973, would give the President a 120 day authorization to use force against ISIL in order to protect American interests and prevent the group’s further expansion. Within 60 days of passage, the President has to present to Congress a comprehensive strategy to stabilize the region and defeat the ISIL threat,” Issa stated.


Democrat Juan Vargas is pushing for an asylum bill, authored by San Diego Chaldean leader, Mark Arabo, to bring Iraqi Christians and minorities from ISIS-controlled regions to the United States. The measure would waive the annual asylum limit for refugees coming to the U.S. from the Middle East.

Meanwhile, Obama will meet with top congressional leaders on Tuesday to explain his strategy for combating the terrorist group, though he hasn’t made it clear whether he will seek congressional approval. He plans to address the nation on Wednesday regarding the ISIS threat.

KPBS asked San Diego County’s five congressional representatives what their strategy would be in dealing with the Islamic State. Here are their responses:

Democrat Juan Vargas: "I strongly believe the United States must play a leading role in stopping the atrocities occurring against ethnic and religious minorities in ISIS-held territories. I support the U.S. effort of providing humanitarian aid as well as offering military support, without adding additional boots on the ground. In the coming days, my colleagues and I will participate in classified briefings where we will be presented with details on the matter and then propose an adequate response.”

Democrat Susan Davis: "The president has said the goal of the United States along with its allies is to degrade the military capabilities of ISIS, a strategy which is currently underway in Iraq. Congressional leadership would do well to educate members about the realistic short and long term threats rather than jockeying for political position."


Democrat Scott Peters: “The United States will neither forget nor turn a blind eye to the murder of James Foley, Steven Sotloff, and the thousands of Iraqis who came before them. Degrading and destroying ISIS will depend on decisive, coordinated efforts from the United States, our allies, and especially the new Iraqi leadership. We cannot bring Jim and Steve home to their families, but we can and must bring their murderers to justice. I look forward to returning to Washington, D.C,... to work with defense and intelligence officials to identify the path forward.”

Republican Duncan Hunter: “There is no place in a civilized world for IS and its extremist agenda. IS can be crushed with American air superiority and assets, joined by a group of regional partners that will give resources and energy to defeating the shared IS threat.”

Issa did not respond to the KPBS request for comment.