Hollywood keeps remaking foreign films and no matter how much fans complain it continues to happen. The latest is "Let Me In" (opening October 1), a remake of the adolescent vampire tale from Sweden, "Let the Right One In." Based on this new trailer, dare I allow myself to hope it could be good?
As the sparkling vampire teen bodice ripper "Eclipse" tops the box office, I am looking anywhere for bloodsucking relief. With "Let Me In" I'm wondering if maybe I have found it. Now let me say that the original film "Let the Right One In" was brilliant and in no way in need of a remake. But Hollywood couldn't resist taking a popular art house film and remaking it so audiences afraid of subtitles could enjoy it. I have to admit I was worried about the remake, especially since the director chosen was Matt Reeves, who had previously done "Cloverfield." But the new trailer for "Let Me In" looked far better than I had anticipated so now I am wondering if I can dare hope the Hollywood remake will deliver something that doesn't suck. I will allow myself to hope. But on the down side, the trailer for "Let Me In" reveals a film that looks merely imitative of the original and doesn't seem to bring anything new or fresh. So the result may just be a translation of "Let the Right One In" into English, which seems a lame motivation for a remake.
So... as a lover of vampire films, I will seek out "Let Me In." But my guess is that people should seek out the original "Let the Right One In" to see a fresh take on bloodsucking lore.