Conceived and hosted by renowned American singer Renée Fleming, "American Voices" is the groundbreaking festival of performances, master sessions and symposia convened in November 2013 at the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C., bringing together vocal masters, industry titans and emerging artists to celebrate the artistry, technique and challenges of professional singing.
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Classical master session with Eric Owens, Tomoko Nakayama, and Norman Garrett as seen in GREAT PERFORMANCES "American Voices With Renée Fleming.”
Courtesy of Jati Lindsay
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Classical master session with Eric Owens, Tomoko Nakayama, and Deborah Nansteel as seen in GREAT PERFORMANCES "American Voices With Renée Fleming.”
Courtesy of Jati Lindsay
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Eric Owens and Kim Burrell with Maestro Steven Reineke as seen in GREAT PERFORMANCES "American Voices With Renée Fleming.”
Courtesy of Scott Suchman
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Renée Fleming as seen in GREAT PERFORMANCES "American Voices with Renée Fleming.”
Courtesy of Scott Suchman
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Jazz master session with Peter Martin, Dianne Reeves, and Michael Mayo as seen in GREAT PERFORMANCES "American Voices With Renée Fleming.”
Courtesy of Jati Lindsay
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Jazz master session with Dianne Reeves, Renée Fleming, Larry Rosen, and Kurt Elling as seen in GREAT PERFORMANCES "American Voices With Renée Fleming.”
Courtesy of Jati Lindsay
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Ben Folds, Maestro Steven Reineke, and Sara Bareilles as seen in GREAT PERFORMANCES "American Voices With Renée Fleming.”
Courtesy of Scott Suchman
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Sutton Foster and Maestro Steven Reineke as seen in GREAT PERFORMANCES "American Voices With Renée Fleming.”
Courtesy of Scott Suchman
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Country master session with Dr. Thomas Cleveland, Renée Fleming, and Alison Krauss as seen in GREAT PERFORMANCES "American Voices With Renée Fleming.”
Courtesy of Jati Lindsay
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Vocal health panel with Don Was as seen in GREAT PERFORMANCES "American Voices With Renée Fleming.”
Courtesy of Jati Lindsay
During six master sessions, fledgling artists receive one-on-one mentoring from iconic singers in a variety of genres: Eric Owens in classical, Dianne Reeves in jazz, Alison Krauss with Dr. Thomas Cleveland in country, Ben Folds in pop, Sutton Foster in musical theater and Kim Burrell in gospel. Joining these acclaimed artists for the festival’s genre-spanning centerpiece concert are Sara Bareilles, Kurt Elling, Josh Groban and Norm Lewis, with the National Symphony Orchestra and principal pops conductor Steven Reineke.
Past episodes of GREAT PERFORMANCES are available for online viewing. GREAT PERFORMANCES is on Facebook, and you can follow @GPerfPBS on Twitter.