More than 33,400 students were enrolled at San Diego State University campuses in San Diego, Calexico and Brawley, according to figures released Thursday.
Of the 33,483 fall students at the three campuses, 32,576 were enrolled at the San Diego campus, 951 were enrolled at the Imperial Valley campuses and 44 were enrolled at both, according to SDSU. The university received 79,137 undergraduate applications for the 2014-15 academic year.
Nearly 5,000 first-time freshmen were taking fall classes. Their collective high school grade point average was 3.69, a jump from the 3.6 GPA of last year's class.
Among the freshman class, 58.8 percent of students were nonwhite.
"We are delighted by this development as it shows that the strategic plan to advance student success, diversity and academic quality continues to yield the desired results," university Provost and Senior Vice President Chukuka S. Enwemeka said.
First-time freshmen averaged 15 credits in their first semester, and the most popular majors among the class were kinesiology, biology, management, psychology, mechanical engineering and marketing, officials said.
University officials said 391 new students were enrolled in post-baccalaureate studies, an increase of 20.7 percent over last year's number. The number of new degree-seeking graduate students increased from 1,841 in fall 2013 to 1,856 this fall.