Marine Staff Sgt. Suneel Mehta is facing punishment for a Tweet he wrote on April 5 that joked about George Zimmerman's fatal shooting of Trayvon Martin, according to the Marine Corps Times.
(The controversial Tweet can been seen at left.)
According to a Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center Twentynine Palms statement:
“The unit is taking disciplinary measures for Staff Sgt Metha’s inappropriate comment posted on Twitter. The unit leadership is responsible for taking corrective action, while also continuing to educate unit members on proper social media etiquette in accordance with current rules and regulations.”
Sgt. Metha has since deleted his Twitter account. He told the Marine Corps Times he was very sorry for any offense his Tweet caused.
“It was a distasteful comment that was said. I guess at the time I didn’t realize how my one comment would affect so many people negatively, and for that I apologize to everybody."
On February 26, 2012, George Zimmerman shot unarmed black teenager Trayvon Martin. The case has inflamed passions across the country.