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Navy Baby Born At 12:12 On 12-12-12

Kennedy Kathleen Robbins
Kennedy Kathleen Robbins

From Naval Medical Center Portsmouth Public Affairs:

A baby was delivered at Naval Medical Center Portsmouth (NMCP) Dec. 12, 2012 at 12:12 p.m.

Five-pound, 10-ounce Kennedy Kathleen Robbins made her entrance to the world Dec. 12, 2012, which alone is significant, but she was also born at 12:12 p.m. at Naval Medical Center Portsmouth (NMCP).


While the rest of the world will have a fleeting memory of what they did that day, little Kennedy will have a permanent reminder - and a great conversation starter.

Proud parents, Kristen and retired Master Chief Aviation Ordnanceman Daniel Robbins, were surprised by the timing, especially since the baby was not due until Dec. 19.

"I had my 38-week check last week," Kristen said. "But the doctor decided she was a little small. So I got a call to come in on Dec. 11 for a growth scan even though I had a 39-week appointment on the 12th."

The staff never got around to the growth scan because the baby's heart rate was low.

"They decided to induce me the afternoon of the 11th because her heart rate was low, and since we were so close to 40 weeks, they said everything should be ok," Kristen said. "I was in labor for almost a full day before she was born."


As Kristen's contractions got stronger around 11:45 a.m., Daniel said he started joking with the Labor and Delivery staff about the possibility of a 12:12 p.m. birth. As Kristen began to push, Daniel kept one eye on her and one on the clock.

"At 12:05 she was pushing, and I knew it would be close," Daniel said. "At 12:12, Kennedy popped out."

"I wasn't really aware of the time as it was happening," Kristen said. "I was just, oh my God, it's over. Then when doctor called it - 12:12 and 26 seconds - I realized the time and thought 'no way.'"

Other family members were also in disbelief, including big brothers Shawn, 16, and Julian, 10.

"Everyone thought we were lying - no one believed it," Kristen said. "When it sunk in, then they said it was a miracle, a sign. Regardless, she's a blessing."

"Just the date alone is once in a century, but to have the time, too, is amazing," Daniel added.

There's still another 12 to look forward to when Kennedy reaches her 12th birthday.