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Happy Ending For Soldier Whose Ex Sold His Dog While He Was Deployed?

Photo montage of Baxter
Photo montage of Baxter

Soldier Robert Gabbert entrusted his beloved dog Baxter with his former girlfriend when he deployed to Afghanistan in March. His ex-flame then sold Baxter on Craigslist to another military family.

The Facebook page "Bring Baxter Home" was created after Gabbert posted this desperate plea on Craigslist, according to the Washington Post:

I am currently deployed and my ex sold my dog. I just found out and I am trying to find the people (person) who bought him. I will pay anything to get him back. His name is Baxter and he is an Shiba Inu. I do not have my phone with me. You can email me. The phone number is my mom’s she is helping me locate him. If you have any information PLEASE give us a call or an email.

A group of strangers who learned of Gabbert's plight via Facebook (on the now-defunct page "Bring Baxter Home") have now successfully negotiated Baxter's return to his original home.


Gabbert's dad, also named Robert, told the British website MailOnline:

"I think the people that bought the dog and read the stories and felt bad...

"I guess, there’s been so many people supporting Robbie, that the family came forward with the dog and they’re going to return it."
When I first read about Gabbert's plight, I was pained that he didn't know about Dogs on Deployment before he left Baxter with his ex. The nonprofit group helps deployed troops find temporary but loving homes for their pooches (and kitties) while they're away serving their country.

Click here to learn more about Dogs on Deployment.