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Nancy Pearl Turns Back The Pages With Picks From The Past

Steve Debenport

There has been no shortage of noteworthy new books this year. In fact, the prospect of choosing just a few of them to recommend to NPR's Steve Inskeep "kind of overwhelmed" librarian Nancy Pearl. So, "out of a sense of desperation," she says, Pearl combed through her own personal library stacks for some of her favorite titles from years past that readers might have missed the first time around.

"All the books on my bookshelves are books that I loved. Those are the only books I keep," says Pearl. "I think all of these books ... create this world that you can spend time with and in. And that changes your life."

Still want more? We ran out of time before we could talk about all of Pearl's recommendations, but here are a few more titles she thinks you might like:

  • The Flamingo Rising by Larry Baker
  • Foolscap: Or, The Stages of Love by Michael Malone
  • Agent to the Stars by John Scalzi
  • Morningside Heights: A Novel by Cheryl Mendelson
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