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You Recommend Freshmen 'Common Reads'

In recent years, a growing number of colleges and universities have begun assigning "common reads" — books that all incoming freshmen must read over the summer and prepare to discuss in their first week on campus.

In the past weeks, Talk of the Nation has featured several of this year's popular freshmen reads, including The Other Wes Moore, The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks and Guns, Germs and Steel.

We also asked for the books you think should be required reading for all college freshmen. You wrote back with more than 70 suggestions for books about the environment, war and peace, religion, race in America and more. Below are 10 of your recommendations.


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Residents of San Diego and Imperial County and Baja California are invited to nominate books online. Please submit nominations prior to March 15 for titles to be considered for the 2025 season. Share your favorite title or two today!