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Quality of Life

FEMA aid deadline looms for January flood victims

FEMA is providing funds to help with short-term rental assistance, home repairs and other recovery-related expenses. Matt Bowler explains that those who have yet to apply have until midnight to do so.

The deadline to apply for aid from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) with short-term rental assistance, home repairs and other expenses related to the historic rains and flooding in January is midnight Friday.

Almost four months after the rain and floods wreaked havoc on homes and communities, FEMA teams were on the ground in Mountain View, reaching out to affected residents Friday morning.

Jennifer Kahsai, FEMA crew leader, and other workers conducted door-to-door outreach, offering support for individuals and families grappling with the extensive damage inflicted by the unprecedented rains and flooding in the region.


“Completing outreach on South 37th Street, I had six houses that I had to complete today before the end of the day," she said. "I had one I did a registration for, one I did an inquiry — which is a case update — and then I referred for two appeals” Kahsai said.

Kahsai came to San Diego in February to help those affected get access to aid. She said San Diego’s infrastructure played a big part in the floods.

“Most of them was impacted by drainage, some were impacted because the sewer lines were backing up, plus the rain” Kahsai said.

Neighbors in Mountain View said they are traumatized. Kahsai said many flood victims simply need someone to listen and empathize with their experiences.

“The emotion that you go through, and trying to assist the survivors and you let them have their spiel — let them vent, get it all out," she said. "And you sit there and listen to them and help them the best way you can.”


So far FEMA has approved $21.8M in assistance. The average grant is $9,000. FEMA says the money is meant to help people return their home to a safe and livable condition. Just about 7,000 people have visited the two disaster recovery centers since March, and 106 visited just yesterday.

If you survived the floods and need assistance you can apply online until midnight. Go to or call (800) 659-2955.