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US Attorney Firings, Military Health Care, 2003 Audit

Should Harriet Miers and Karl Rove have to testify under oath about the circumstances surrounding the firing of eight U.S. attorneys? Also, is the military ready to deal with the medical and mental h

US Attorney Firings, Military Health Care, 2003 Audit

Will Alberto Gonzales get fired? Should Harriet Miers and Karl Rove have to testify under oath about the circumstances surrounding the firing of eight U.S. attorneys? The editors at the roundtable discuss the flap over the fired prosecutors.

Also, this week marked the fourth anniversary of the invasion of Iraq. Is the military ready to deal with the medical and mental health needs of Iraq war veterans?


And, the City of San Diego received its long-delayed 2003 audit from KPMG. Now that the audit's been released, what's next for the city?


  • Ruben Navarrette Jr., member of the editorial board for the San Diego Union-Tribune , and a nationally syndicated columnist.
  • Tony Perry, San Diego bureau chief for the Los Angeles Times .
  • Andrew Donohue, co-executive editor for the