Most people know the name of football player Jim Brown. But not even sports fans may be familiar with the name of Ernie Davis, the first African American to win the Heisman Trophy. The new film The Express (opening October 10 throughout San Diego) chronicles his brief, bright career.You can listen to my radio feature or watch a video of my interview with Dennis Quaid who came to San Diego last month to talk about the film.
October 09, 2008 at 07:17 PM
Thanks for the story about the Ernie Davis movie. I went to Ernie Davis Junior High School in the 70s, and then on to Elmira Free Academy where Ernie Davis played before college. I did not know much about the Heisman Trophy, but I saw the one Ernie Davis won every day at school, along with dozens of other trophies and game balls. Fun hearing about the "Elmira Express" on the radio!
Beth Accomando from San Diego
October 09, 2008 at 07:41 PM
Wow! Thanks for sharing your story with me. It's nice to hear that the schools he attended are keeping his memory alive.