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San Diego’s Top Weekend Events: Movie Roundup

Sam Friedman (Josh Gad) and Thurgood Marshall (Chadwick Boseman) are young activist lawyers in the new film "Marshall."
Open Road Films
Sam Friedman (Josh Gad) and Thurgood Marshall (Chadwick Boseman) are young activist lawyers in the new film "Marshall."

It may be Friday the 13th, but there’s more than just horror at the box office this weekend. There’s also Jackie Chan’s serious turn in the action thriller “The Foreigner” and an origin story of sorts for legal titan Thurgood Marshall in “Marshall.”



Diversity has been an agenda item for Hollywood since #Oscarsowhite focused national attention on the lack of color among Oscar nominees. “Marshall” seems designed to address this and focuses on the early law career of future Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall. Chadwick Boseman stars as Marshall relatively early in his career. Josh Gad also starts as a white lawyer who assists in the film’s central case.

Details: “Marshall” opens Friday. Find tickets.

A still of Jackie Chan in the movie "The Foreigner."
STX Films
A still of Jackie Chan in the movie "The Foreigner."

“The Foreigner”


Jackie Chan is 63, but he’s still able to show off some of his famous stunt work in “The Foreigner.” He plays a man whose daughter was killed in a London bombing by a group claiming IRA affiliation. Chan turns to a former IRA member-turned-government official, played by Pierce Brosnan. But the film isn’t terribly taxing on Chan’s stunt or acting skills and awkwardly tries to be a political thriller and Chan action film without doing either well. Renting a classic Chan film from the ‘80s might be a better bet.

Details: “The Foreigner” opens Friday. Find tickets.

Mark Patton as Jesse in "Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge." He described himself as possibly the first male scream queen.
New Line Cinema
Mark Patton as Jesse in "Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge." He described himself as possibly the first male scream queen.

Gay Horror Halloween


FilmOut, San Diego’s LGBT film festival, is putting horror center stage this month. It’s showing a double bill Wednesday of “Hellbent,” the first gay slasher film, and “Nightmare on Elm Street 2,” which has gained a cult following as what has been called the gayest horror film of all time. Most horror movies cast women as their primary victims, but “Nightmare” stars Mark Patton as what he calls “the first male scream queen.”


Details: 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 18, at Landmark’s Hillcrest Cinemas, 3965 5th Ave., San Diego. $12 Find tickets.

San Diego’s Top Weekend Events: Movie Roundup
San Diego’s Top Weekend Events: Movie Roundup GUEST: Beth Accomando, arts and culture reporter, KPBS

Some new and some old but all of them in the theaters this week. Here to help us decide which of these are worth checking out is that talk Amando. The first three has been an item for Hollywood since Oscars focus on the color of Oscar and nominees. -- On nominees. And here is scene of Marshall explaining what he does. I tell you this upfront. The NAACP will not like most lawyers. They only represent innocent people. That is our mission. You understand. So I need to know this. Look at me now. Did you do what they said they did? Does Marshall deliver a good film or good portrait? It reminds me of hidden figures from last year. Is a great true story and well acted. It is this feel-good civil rights Bill and one that wants to keep the tone light and goodhearted so that it avoids looking the real ugliness of racism and how hard the battles were to fight. It's not a bad film. It kind of has -- it could've been so much better. He will be seen in Black Panther. Is this good casting? It's kind of fun in the sense that he is good in both roles and like he gets a play two superheroes for the audience. For Marshall I wanted to know more about him. The film focuses on the odd case because Marshall was forbidden to speak in the courtroom so we have Josh as the white Jewish guy who gets to have all the time in the courtroom and it's like Marshall need to get a white man to get them into the courtroom. So it turns into more of a courtroom drama and buddy film rather than a rope biopic. Is it so worth seen? Yes, this would be a great kickoff for a TV series were would get to follow Marshall into different courtrooms for his cases like throughout his early career. So opening today is the foreigner with Jackie Chan in Pierce Brossman. He is now 63 years old so can he keep doing action? It hurts him to see him at 63 but foreign is not taxing on is that skills are acting skills.'s a bit of a -- when you get this father who goes on a mission of revenge because of what happens was daughter. Jackie Chan is a father whose daughter is killed in a London bombing by a group claiming Aire affiliation. The film tries to be both a political thriller and a Jackie Chan action film and ends up doing neither one. Your advice is skip this one? Skip this one and rent an old Jackie Chan film. You do want to recommend something Halloween theme for next week. Tell us what film is plenty for Wednesday? The film festival enabled monthly screenings in this month there programming was called gay or -- horror Halloween. The director will be present for Q&A and then nightmare on Elm Street 2. When you cast your male lead in the victim role and you have them scream like a girl for 90 minutes, you are going to have some people saying that is not the manliest performance. I may be the first male scream queen. So we get the final boy. Watching it now it's hard not to see the gay subtext. That clip we heard was from the documentary never sleep again. This film where the director is going to be present the one called -- tell us about that. The first day/or film? Think of it this way nightmare and Elm Street 2 came out in 1985. If you look at the gay subtext in nightmare 2, that comes to the forefront in hell-bent. You have a serial killer at a Halloween gay pride situation and he's going after gay victims but he might be gay himself so there is this interesting kind of twist on the genre and getting the focus on this. That did raise questions for the director in terms of is it a negative pitch bio to show both the victim and the killer as gay. That is something that he is going to discuss at the screening when people get to ask them questions after the film. Hell-bent in nightmare on Elm Street 2 screen next Wednesday. Marshall and the foreigner open today. I've been speaking with Beth talk Amando.