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Quadruple Amputee Travis Mills Celebrates His 'Alive Day' (Video)

Travis Mills: A Soldier's Story trailer

It was on April 10, 2012 that Army Sgt. Travis Mills stepped on an improvised explosive device in Afghanistan and lost all four limbs. Today Mills and his family are celebrating his "Alive Day" - along with the release of the trailer for a documentary about his life.

Mills is one of only five quadruple amputees to survive the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. He was on his third tour of duty in Afghanistan when he suffered his devastating injuries.

Travis's wife Kelsey wrote on the couple's Facebook page:

"I could not be any prouder of Travis and how far he has come, he has surpassed all my expectations of our new life. He is such an amazing father to our daughter, despite his injuries, I am so thankful everyday that I see them together instead of just as a faltering memory."

"Travis: A Soldier's Story" is slated to premiere premier in Dallas, Texas this summer.