"The House Of Windsor" explores the turbulent reign of England's Windsor family, the most prestigious monarchy in the world. This in-depth series illuminates the storied history of the family which has held the English throne for nearly a century. They persevered through two World Wars, but in addition to their triumphs, they also endured the pain of both scandal and tragedy.
Episode Two: "The King Who Saved The Crown, 1936 - 1952"
On May 12, 1937, he was crowned George VI (taking his father's name for continuity). The remarkable strength of his vivacious wife, Elizabeth (The future Queen Mum), helped him find a new confidence and poise. World War II and the blitz that threatened to destroy London revealed him as a modest but unwavering hero.
Also in this episode, we meet the two young princesses. The 10-year-old Elizabeth, on her father's coronation, became the new heir to the throne. She married Prince Philip in 1947 and had two children, Charles and Anne. On June 2, 1953 she was crowned Queen Elizabeth II. The House of Windsor was in safe hands.