San Diego County today introduced "Thrive San Diego," a program to sign up more people for food stamps.
Last year San Diego ranked last, in a study of America's 24 largest metro areas, in getting eligible people signed up for food stamps. San Diego County has responded with the program called Thrive San Diego. It's a partnership between the county, San Diego State University, and CSU San Marcos.
Students will help staff nine sites where low-income people can be screened for food stamp eligibility. County administrator Nick Macchione said "Thrive" is part of a larger effort that's increased food stamp enrollment in the county by 60 percent in two years.
"Since April we have enrolled 39,000 children, seniors and family members in food stamps," he said.
In San Diego, only about 35 percent of people eligible for food stamps actually receive them. Bill Oswold, with San Diego's Caring Counsel, adds that new applications for food stamps won't necessarily result in benefits.