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Kim Davis Back At Work, But Remains Defiant

Kim Davis, the Kentucky County Clerk who was jailed for refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, is back to work today – but in a statement in front of her office says she will stand firm on her convictions and refuse to defy God's definition of marriage.

The Rowan County clerk says she loves God and her job and says she will not authorize the issuing of marriage licenses to gay couples, but neither will she interfere with others in her office who want to issue them.

"Effective immediately, and until an accommodation is provided, by those with the authority to provide it, any marriage license issued by my office will not be issued or authorized by me," she said.


"I love my deputy clerks and I hate that they have been caught in the middle. If any of them feels that they must issue an unauthorized license to avoid being thrown in jail, I understand their tough choice and I will take no action against them," Davis said, but added: "Any unauthorized license that they issue will not have my name, my title or my authority on it. Instead, the license will state that they are issued pursuant to a federal court order."

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